Tag Archives: Kem Meyer

Is Your Church Offering Too Many Choices?

Too Many Choices Makes Consumers Less Likely To Choose AnythingIn her landmark church communications book Less Clutter, Less Noise: Beyond Bulletins, Brochures and Bake Sales, Kem Meyer of Granger Community Church writes:

“In theory, more choices may lead people to find exactly what they want. But, research shows people actually feel worse. Too much choice leads to one of three results: regret, shutdown or paralysis.”

And this is what contemporary churches often give their people:

  • Choices between “traditional,” and “contemporary” worship services.
  • Sometimes even a third choice, usually labeled something like “mosaic,” or “ancient-future.”
  • “Ministry Fair” styled choices between many affinity-based small groups.
  • Church bulletins and websites overloaded with information, some of which isn’t even related to the church
  • So many competing micro messages that the main message and vision of the church gets lost

In The Paradox Of Choice: Why Less Is More (How The Culture Of Abundance Robs Us Of Satisfaction), Barry Schwartz elaborates on the problem of too much freedom in the Western world. He provides case studies that back this thesis:

“A large array of options may discourage consumers because it forces an increase in the effort that goes into making a decision. So consumers decide not to decide, and don’t buy the product. Or if they do, the effort that the decision requires detracts from the enjoyment derived from the results. Also, a large array of options may diminish the attractiveness of what people actually choose, the reason being that thinking about the attractions of some of the unchosen options detracts from the pleasure derived from the chosen one.”

If you are old enough to remember, say, 1985, think about Continue reading

Learn The Current Trends in Church Communications In 3 Minutes

A few months ago we featured Kem Meyer as part of our My Song In The Night interview series. Kem is the Director of Communications at Granger Community Church, a noted conference speaker and the author of one of my Top 10 Books on Church Communications, Less Clutter, Less Noise: Beyond Bulletins, Brochures and Bake Sales. Now, watch this 3-minute video from Think International to hear Kem talk about 2012 Trends in Church Communications.

Watch the full 20-minute “Less  Clutter, Less Noise” Think International interview with Kem Meyer below, and learn (among other things) why Kem says we should think “progressive dinner” rather than “potluck” in our church communication strategies: Continue reading

Kem Meyer Interview: Is A Communications Coaching Network For You?


"Less Clutter Less Noise" author, speaker, Granger Community Church communications director Kem Meyer

Church Communications expert Kem Meyer

Last week I wrote about the Wired Churches Communications Coaching Network I joined, led by Kem Meyer, author of Less Clutter, Less Noise: Beyond Bulletins, Brochures And Bake Sales and Director of Communications at Granger Community Church.

Being the great communicator she is, I thought I’d interview Kem about church communications and this network. If you have any role in communications ministry at your church, this is for you. If you don’t, send this link to your pastor or communications director — they will likely be glad you did.

Bobby Gilles: Many people have either read Less Clutter, Less Noise, or seen you speak at a conference, or maybe they follow your blog. What is the top thing(s) they will get out of joining this coaching network that they can’t get from those other things?

Kem Meyer: There are two unique attributes in the coaching environment you can’t find at a workshop, conference or blog post. First, is the alliance and journey with a small, closed group of peers who have roles, challenges and opportunities similar to your own.

The second is a challenging, interactive and highly personalized learning experience that is hard to describe until you’ve benefited from it. While a coaching network isn’t for everyone, it’s the perfect fit for anyone who is looking for focused, up close and personal attention in a safe forum where they can be blunt about the challenges they face and get frank, encouraging insight in return.

Cover of "Less Clutter, Less Noise: Beyond Bulletins, Brochures and Bake Sales" by Kem MeyerI saw a recent TED talk where analyst Richard St. John shared 8 secrets of success. Looking at those 8 ingredients and the four seasons of coaching networks I’ve facilitated so far, here’s how I would break it down.

BEFORE: coaching participants show up with these ingredients: 1) passion, 2) serve and 3) good

DURING: the network helps supplement these ingredients: 4) push, 5) ideas and 6) focus

AFTER: coaching participants leave with the ability to follow through on the final ingredients: 7) work and 8 ) persist

Bobby Gilles: When you are sifting through applicants and putting coaching networks together, what are some of the things you look for (in terms of who you accept and who you put together in a network)? Do these kinds of things make a difference, and how so:

Want To Join A Church Communications Strategy Coaching Network?

Wired Churches Coaching Networks logo

Wired Churches Coaching Networks logo

“Effective communications is really about releasing the right response, not sending the right message. – Kem Meyer

In September 2010 I began a journey of several months in a communications coaching network along with communications directors from the east to west coast, from Minnesota to Texas, and many points in between. Kem Meyer, Director of Communications at Granger Community Church (GCC) in northern Indiana, led our motley crew.

Kem is also the author of Less Clutter, Less Noise: Beyond Bulletins, Brochures And Bake Sales, and has led many seminars and workshops across the country and in Granger, through Wired Churches initiative to train church leaders.

During these seven months we met twice in Granger for long, intensive sessions together, we conferred offline and we read book assignments. Now, we’ve joined with many alumni of Kem’s coaching group who collaborate, ask questions and learn from each other online through an Alumni Google group.

Mother and infant communicating through touch, sound. All of life is communication

All of life is communication

Now you can join this Church Communications Strategy Coaching Network for the next session in Spring 2012. Apply here by February 1.

Here are the reasons I preferred this group to any conference, seminar or church communications book I’ve read: Continue reading