Tag Archives: vision

Three Questions For Determining Your Church’s Vision

In Steering Through Chaos: Mapping a Clear Direction For Your Church in the Midst of Transition and Change, Scott Wilson writes about asking his church staff and board three questions:

  1. What do we do exceptionally well?
  2. What are we passionate about?
  3. What are the demographics of our community?

It’s all about vision clarity. It’s not enough to come up with a catchy “vision statement.” You must think through these questions, and pray relentlessly for your church’s unique vision to live the gospel in your unique setting.

Although all churches should preach the gospel in word and deed, not all will do exceptionally well at the same things. Nor will the demographics of our communities all be the same. And we don’t even necessarily have to be passionate about the same things.

  • Maybe the church down the street from you has the best food bank in the city, because their people are passionate about it.
  • Maybe the church two blocks away are particularly passionate about reaching and welcoming artists, or athletes, or the elderly.
  • Maybe your church is most passionate about being a place of gospel-driven healing.

And maybe, by God’s grace, you’re great at it. And maybe there are a lot of people in your community who need healing: emotionally, spiritually and physically. Sounds like the makings of a compelling vision, doesn’t it?

Photo by Sojourn Communication’s Intern Chelsey Scott